Aphis middletonii
is a common root-feeding, polyphagous aphid.
Common names. Erigeron root aphid, Corn root aphid, Aster root aphid.
Distribution. This aphid is known worldwide and is common especially in the temperate regions of western and central United States and Canada, but is not common in Europe and Asia.
Host associations. It has a fairly broad host range, having been recorded from species of at least 11 plant families.
Economic importance. It is particularly important on corn (Poaceae), sunflower, Chrysanthemum, and artichoke (Asteraceae), celery (Apiaceae), potato (Solanaceae), and beets (Chenopodiaceae), but also attacks plants of other plant families including, Cactaceae, Ranunculaceae, Amaranthaceae, and Amaryllidaceae. It has not been implicated in the transmission of any plant virus.
See also. Taxonomy at Aphid Species File. Aphids on the World's Plants. Literature references.