Aphis craccivora
a polyphagous aphid species with a preference for Fabaceae.
Common names. Cowpea aphid, Black legume aphid, Groundnut aphid.
Distribution. Worldwide in distribution, but particularly common in warm temperate and tropical regions.
Host associations. Although this aphid species is very polyphagous, feeding on as many as 80 plant families, it appears to have a preference for the family Fabaceae.
Economic importance. It is particularly important on beans, peas, and groundnuts, but also attacks a broad range of other crops such as crucifers, cucurbits, beets, and cardamon. It has been implicated in the transmission of over 50 plant viruses. One subspecies, A. craccivora pseudoacaciae, is recognized, and feeds primarily on Asteraceae and Fabaceae.
See also. Taxonomy at Aphid Species File. Aphids on the World's Plants. Literature references.